A Gastronomic Travel to Jamaica's Restaurants
I certainly believe that a restaurant experience is made of quality food, quality ingredients, ambiance and service. Who does not enjoy a meal better when your palate is spoiled with the most delicious flavours, the freshness of the ingredients used in the preparation and, first and foremost, the service provided by the staff that works at that place? I am sure that you will be nodding a yes to this question... it is true! A culinary experience is COMPLETE only when those factors converge. Otherwise, there is something missing.
The idea behind this Blog is to start on a blank slate... let me say that I want to give a new opportunity to Jamaica's gastronomic scene... and I want to try it because it has grown and I am happy to see how new places appear and old place get a facelift!
However, this is not a one man's show... I want the help and recommendations of readers who, like me, enjoy the eating out experience. I'll be reporting on what I taste, smell, see and, particularly, on the way I am treated as a paying customer... we cannot forget that we are talking about money and we want QUALITY.
what about Gaucho's Grill? They are fantastic
Yes, I have been there. They were good when I used to go, I have not set foot in Gaucho's in a LONG time.
I believe that they are not participating in KRW 2008.
But I'll go back and try it againg!
Fantastic? I'll prefer to say "not too bad"
My picks for this week:
Guilt Trip
Café Aubergine
You were asked a question and all know we don't hear from you!
The question was about your identity and your background in the food business.
By the way you keep on making mistakes and you allow yourself to critic!
You should correct another mistake, after the GOUMET mistake we have another mistake in advertising the KWR, SUNDAY 8!! Hello!! Are you sure you have the 2008 calendar? It's SATURDAY 8!!
lol lol lol
It's time for the readers to realize that there is something fishy about this JG thing.
You should not post, you should comment only JG!
On another page a couple read your post about Chilitos and went and tried it and some serious things happened to them, we didn't hear any comment from your behalf!
It looks like you answer what you want and like! If you want to post and create a blog at least answer your reader’s critics and questions!
God Bless!
Gaucho's is awesome.
im going to strawberry hill (never been) this year. i like Eat Japanese and Cafe Aubergine as well.
Dear Keisha Brown,
I am sorry if I cannot please everybody. As I have mentioned before, the idea behind this blog is to share my personal view about what I consider to be dining out, which I summarize as an experience where ambiance, quality, service and coherence converge.
As I also mentioned before in another post, I don't usually comment on my readers' posts or answers because the idea is the people could form their own opinion reading from the sometimes divergent views.
This is the idea of a blog, at least mine. I appreciate the corrections... maybe my calendar was off or whatever other reason you want to tag to my mistake, but I see with pity comments like this. They don’t really add anything interesting to the discussion, ergo do not help people form an opinion about a place.
Criticism has to be constructive, if there is going to be any. I do not see the point in making a fuss out of the mistake about the date.
Keisha, you seem to be a little bit bitter and I don't quite understand why.
As to my qualifications to criticize a place, let me just assure you that I am well qualified. But let me add to this that, as I have always said in a lot of the things that I have written, the best qualification is my love for good food and excellent service!
To my readers, my apologies about the Sunday-Saturday mistake... I hope this is not a deterrent to enjoy KRW 2008 (or KWR - Kingston’s Week of Restaurants!).
Celebrate this week, which is truly the perfect occasion to try something new!
Thanks for your support and participation!
Bitter hahaha make me laugh.
I whish I can hear what the pregnant lady that got sick after reading you positive comment about Chilitos and got admitted in serious condition.
How bitter she was???
Dear Keisha,
That's a misfortunate event and I believe that I am sure that people from Chilitos must be very sorry about that episode in the short history of their place.
I am sorry for the pregnant lady that was admitted into a hospital with a serious condition and I encourage her to sue Chilitos for this.
Food quality must be one of the principles of every restaurant and, if this was the case, they are fully liable.
However, Keisha, I do not see where I enter the game. The times that I have been to Chilitos, I have not been subject to any food poisoning and I can only judge from what I taste, see and experience on my visit(s).
For your information, this is where other people's opinions count. I believe that with this incident being reported on my site, people will not be setting foot in Chilitos for a long time.
I do not want to make this blog a corresponding place with YOU, Keisha. This blog is to comment on the restaurants and share your own experiences.
If you are not contributing in the aforementioned way, Keisha, please refrain from posting any comment, since they do not add anything constructive to the game.
I apologize to my readers for this kind of comments that are not at all in sync with the idea of this blog.
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